Report of the route

EMAPI allows for the final route report and then displays it in a DIV element. It's also possible to create your own representation of the route (EMAPI.Router.RouteRepresentation class).

Example of using the final route report::

var router = new EMAPI.Router( //create a new instance of the EMAPI.Router class
    map: mapa, //map on which routes are to be visualized
    reportPointsHandlerPointsName: 'punkty_id' //DIV element, which sets the list of waypoints
    reporResultHandlerName: 'raport_id'  //DIV element, which sets the route report

<div id="points_id"></div> //DIV element that contains added waypoints
<div id="report_id"></div> //DIV element that contains the final route

The list of added waypoints:

Raport trasy:

EMAPI.Router.RouteRepresentation - parameters and representation class of the route. Representation includes a report of the route divided into sections (sections) designated by the waypoints.

var rr = router.routeRepresentation;

Available parameters:
routeFrom{String} Location of the starting point of the route.
routeTo{String} Location of the final point of the route.
routeDescription{String} Name of the route.
routeItems{EMAPI.ArrayObjects} List of segments of the route between pairs of another points.
tollRoadLength{Float} Length of toll roads are included in the route (in km).
tollRoadTime{String} Length of toll roads are included in the route.
totalFuelCost{Float} Total cost of the fuel.
totalRouteCost{Float} The total cost of the route traveled.
totalRouteLenght{Float} The total length of the route (in km).
totalRouteTime{String} Total travel time route.
unreachableEntry{Integer} The index of the waypoint which it wasn't impossible to determine the drive. ( starting from 1 for the second waypoint).

var div = document.getElementById('raport'); //DIV element, which sets the route report
var rr = router.routeRepresentation;
div.innerHTML = 'Name: '+ rr.routeDescription           //
          + '
Starting point: ' + rr.routeFrom //information contained in the route report + '
Final point: ' + rr.routeTo // + '
The length of the route: ' + rr.totalRouteLength; // <div id="raport"></div> //DIV element contained the route report

EMAPI.Router.RouteRepresentationSection - parameters and representation class section (section) route between two points of the route.

Available parameters:
sectionFrom{String} Location of the starting point of the route section.
sectionTo{String} Location of the final point of the route section.
sectionCost{Float} The total cost of the section traveled route.
sectionDistance{Float} The total length of the section of route (in km).
sectionTime{String} Total travel time of the section route
routeItems{EMAPI.ArrayObjects} The list of characteristic points of the section route ( report of the route).

var div = document.getElementById('raport_id2');
var rr = router.routeRepresentation;
var raport='';

for(var i=0; i<rr.routeItems.length; i++) //search all sections
  var sekcje = rr.routeItems[i]; //getting information from all sections of the route
  raport = raport + '<tr><th width="300" style="border:1 solid #DB700F;background-color:#FFE8B5">'
                  + sekcje.sectionFrom + ' - ' + sekcje.sectionTo //starting point - the final point of the section
                  + '<th width="60">km' + '<th width="60">czas' + '</tr>';

EMAPI.Router.RouteRepresentationItem - the class of the route characteristic point (entry in the report of the route).

Available parameters:
entryCost{Float} The current cost of the route starting from the beginning up to this point.
entryDistance{Float} Distance along the route starting from the beginning up to this point (in km).
entryPosition{EMAPI.LonLat} The coordinates of the chracteristic point of the route.v
entryTime{String} Journey time to the point from the beginning of the route.
entryDescription{String} A description of the characteristic point that inform about the event in the course of the route.
entryType{String} The type of event at this point.

Example of creating a route report:

var div = document.getElementById('raport_id2');
var rr = router.routeRepresentation;
var raport='';

for(var i=0; i<rr.routeItems.length; i++) //search all sections
  var sekcje = rr.routeItems[i]; //downloading information from all sections of the route
  raport = raport + '<tr><th width="300" style="border:1 solid #DB700F;background-color:#FFE8B5">'
                  + sekcje.sectionFrom + ' - ' + sekcje.sectionTo //starting point - the final point of the section
                  + '<th width="60">km' + '<th width="60">czas' + '</tr>';
  for(var j=0;j<sekcje.routeItems.length;j++) //search all the points in the section
    var punkty = sekcje.routeItems[j]; //downloading information from all points of the section
    raport = raport + '<tr><td style="color:#8e8e8e;padding-left:10px;">'
          + punkty.entryDescription              //a description of the point
          + '<td>' + punkty.entryDistance        //distance to the point
          + '<td>' + punkty.entryTime + '</tr>'; //time to reach the point

<div id="raport_id2"></div> //DIV element that contains the report of the route